SANCHEZ C.JÉZÉGOU M.-P. et col., - Un complejo portuario romano descubierto en las albuferas narbonenses,  Negueruela I, Castillo R., Recio P. (dir.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Archaeology IKUWA V (Cartagena, 15-19 de octubre 2014), Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, ARQUA, 2016, p. 406-411.

Abstract : We presented the results of geophysical surveys in Narbonne lagoons aimed at identifying the topography of the port of ancient Narbonne at the IKUWA III symposium held in London in 2008. Since then, further excavations have provided crucial data that reveal the development of the river mouth, which was fifty meters wide and approximately 3.50 m deep. The river was flanked by two fifteen-meter wide jetties built during the first century AD with a system of quays for unloading deep-draught vessels and the subsequent transfer of goods to the city. From the fourth century A.D on, further works were required to consolidate the river mouth. Huge scalerepairs were undertaken in the Late Antiquity including the transfer of a large number of stone blocks from major urban buildings, and the use of a wreck to raise and consolidate the quays.